New registration obligation for packaging in Spain

The Spanish packaging law obliges producers to register their packaging. Distributors from abroad must also register through an authorised representative if they sell packaged products in Spain.

Document titled GPSR with a magnifying glass placed over a warning sign
General Product Safety Regulation (EU) 2023/988 obliges
GPSR Risk Analysis Required

Mandatory for almost every product: According to the GPSR, producers must draw up technical documentation for the products they place on the market. The technical documentation must be based on an internal risk analysis.

Icon of a document being signed
General Product Safety Regulation requires Responsible Person
EU Responsible Person Service for the GPSR and more

Since 16 July 2021, it is against the law to sell products with CE marking without a Responsible Person in the EU. In addition, a Responsible Person must also be specified in accordance with the General Product Safety Regulation (EU) 2023/988.

Personal EU Batteries Regulation Training
Ready for the new Batteries Regulation (EU) 2023/1542

Find out which obligations the EU Batteries Regulation places on you and how to deal with them in your specific case. Receive comprehensive information on how to implement your obligations with regard to labelling, battery passport, EPR and due diligence obligations in the supply chain.

trade-e-bility News / 02/10/2025

In order to be able to market packaging and packaged products in the EU in the future in a legally compliant manner, sellers and producers must meet comprehensive requirements.

trade-e-bility News / 02/10/2025

The EU Commission has denied a de jure cotton ban until 2030. However, existing and future EU legislation to improve the circular economy and sustainability may affect cotton like…

trade-e-bility News / 02/10/2025

The DIN DKE SPEC 99100 is intended to provide clear and practical guidance to companies preparing to meet the requirements of the EU battery passport, which will be mandatory from…

take-e-way News / 02/10/2025

Sellers of batteries must register as battery producers in Slovenia.

trade-e-bility News / 02/10/2025

The European Chemicals Agency ECHA includes five hazardous chemicals in the candidate list of substances of very high concern (SVHC) and updates one entry. This affects electrical, electronic and optical devices.

VERE e.V. News / 02/10/2025

The VERE Association presents below the salient contents of the Competitiveness Compass, the European Commission's new 5-year plan, for sellers and producers.

trade-e-bility News / 01/24/2025

New guidelines from the EU Commission regulate the removability and replaceability of portable batteries and batteries for light means of transport. The text is relevant for the European Economic Area.

trade-e-bility News / 01/24/2025

Online sellers are obliged to indicate the producing company and its contact details directly on the product or on the packaging. Otherwise there is a risk of a warning letter.

take-e-way News / 01/24/2025

The new Austrian Packaging Ordinance has been in force since 1 January 2023. You cannot submit a declaration for 2025 without a registered, authorised representative. Please note…

take-e-way News / 01/24/2025

From 1 July 2025, the extended producer responsibility for producers of packaging will apply in Denmark. However, reporting of the quantities placed on the market is already…

trade-e-bility News / 01/13/2025

GPSR, Batteries Regulation, Packaging Regulation, EUDR and more: Here you will find the important dates for 2025.

trade-e-bility News / 01/13/2025

The GPSR Regulation on General Product Safety came into force on 13 December 2024. You can find information and solutions here.

take-e-way News / 01/13/2025

Following publication in the EU Official Journal, the PPWR is expected to come into force at the beginning of 2025.

trade-e-bility News / 01/13/2025

Products such as wood, rubber, cattle, palm oil, leather, cocoa, coffee and soya are affected. The final text corresponds to the EU Commission's original proposal and has lost none of its explosive nature.

take-e-way News / 01/13/2025

Please note that the obligation applies to distributors based in Portugal and also to non-Portuguese distributors. Packaging registration in Portugal is also mandatory for foreign companies.

trade-e-bility News / 01/13/2025

Cotton does not meet the EU targets for 2030, which envisage a recycling rate of 50% and a recyclability of 25%.

trade-e-bility News / 01/13/2025

This affects baby bottles, packaging that comes into contact with food or drinks, the coating of metal cans, consumer goods such as reusable plastic drink bottles, coolers for water distribution and other kitchen items.

trade-e-bility News / 12/11/2024

This Friday, the GPSR regulation on general product safety comes into force. You can find information and solutions here.

take-e-way News / 12/11/2024

Companies that do not register their packaging quantities in the LUCID Packaging Register by 31 December 2024 and do not conclude a system participation agreement for 2025 are subject to an immediate distribution ban.

trade-e-bility News / 12/11/2024

This means that the EUDR problem has only been postponed, not cancelled. It has not been possible to achieve any substantive changes. All those affected should act now at the latest.

trade-e-bility News / 12/11/2024

The publication date for the omnibus regulation to streamline the CSRD and CSDDD is 26 February 2025, which gives hope for deregulation.

take-e-way News / 12/11/2024

The success of both legislative proposals depends on the time remaining in the session and political consensus. A delay could jeopardise the implementation of European requirements - with considerable consequences for sellers, producers and importers.

trade-e-bility News / 12/11/2024

Despite the debates, the Supply Chain Act remains in place for the time being, while criticism of bureaucracy and international competitive disadvantages persists.

trade-e-bility News / 12/03/2024

Warning organisations are likely to target providers who do not provide any information at all.

take-e-way News / 12/03/2024

The EU Commission criticises the fact that France has not provided sufficient justification for the necessity of these regulations and that less restrictive alternatives would be possible.

take-e-way News / 12/03/2024

The UK Environment Agency is changing its approach to the WEEE Regulations 2013 (as amended). These changes will come into force in 2025 and have been agreed by all UK environmental authorities.

take-e-way News / 12/03/2024

The EU Packaging Regulation is expected to come into force at the beginning of 2025. Only the vote of the Council is required for the final adoption.

trade-e-bility News / 12/03/2024

Only laser pointers of laser classes 1 and 2 with a maximum power of 1 milliwatt are permitted.

trade-e-bility News / 12/03/2024

The European Commission is planning a strategy for online commerce to ensure fair competition and enforce the high standard of consumer protection in the EU more effectively.

VERE e.V. News / 12/03/2024

Every company that demonstrably recruits a new VERE e.V. member receives 30 minutes of free product compliance advice from trade-e-bility.

trade-e-bility News / 11/26/2024

Financial liability limits for economic operators will be abolished. In addition, the maximum liability period will be extended from 10 to 25 years if personal injury only becomes recognisable after a delay.

take-e-way News / 11/26/2024

Your contract for EPR services with Amazon (Registration and Filing program) will be terminated on 31.12.2024.

trade-e-bility News / 11/26/2024

If no agreement is reached, the EUDR rules would come into force as planned from 30 December 2024.

take-e-way News / 11/26/2024

The idea of making producers contribute to the costs of taking back, collecting and properly disposing of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) at recycling centres was met with approval.

trade-e-bility News / 11/26/2024

Products manufactured under forced labour may not be placed, made available or exported on the Union market. In the event of an infringement, the products concerned must be withdrawn from the market or taken off the market. National decisions on market bans apply throughout the EU.

trade-e-bility News / 11/26/2024

The delays are causing legal and operational uncertainties, which are affecting internationally operating companies in particular. Companies in Germany have to work with pragmatic solutions, while the directive already applies in other EU countries.

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